
Farm to Fork

The Farm-to-Fork Strategy – For a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system was presented by the European Commission on 20 May 2020. 

For FEDIOL it is important to accelerate the transition towards an EU sustainable food system and to maintain the same level of EU food safety.   

At the same time, reconsidering the current food production system is likely to put European food security at risk as EU produced agricultural raw materials will become less competitive, affecting the viability of the EU industry processing. FEDIOL has underlined in the follow up to the presentation of the strategy that the envisaged changes needed assessment and will lead to political trade-offs which should be clearly communicated.

Check out the English summary of the F2F assessment by Kiel University 

Through the processing of agricultural raw materials, our sector contributes to the production of food and feed as well as to bio-chemicals, biofuels and other bio-materials. It provides a clear value added in terms of the management of food and feed safety risks and contributes to affordable prices for consumers.  FEDIOL members acknowledge the need to take their share of responsibility, efforts should be made at each step of the chain for an effective systemic change to happen.